Tag Archives: finding help

My Choice

25 Nov

Often those who have been betrayed by a infidelity feel like they don’t have a lot of choice in the matter.  We don’t really when our spouse/partner decides behind our back to lie, deceive, steal and carry on a adulterous relationship that they SWORE would never happen.  The betrayed struggle with the why? And sometimes the answers is just because they can.

Murderers have no RIGHT to kill anyone just because they can. Cheaters have no RIGHT to kill a marriage just because they can.  In my opinion, Green’s cheating almost KILLED my marriage by doing something that he had NO right to do.  But we don’t live in a black and white world, do we?  In the end just because Green had NO right to do it doesn’t mean he couldn’t do it. He DID it.  He cheated on me.  Green’s cheating took my right to a marriage free from infidelity away from me.

So where does that leave me, the betrayed. Once that right has been violated where was a court to cure my violated rights? Where was my justice?

Most would say then this is where the betrayed spouse regains control.   Many choose to divorce.  Infidelity is like an atom bomb – it destroys so profoundly for some that there is nothing left to fight for anymore.  Some choose to forgive and reconcile.  While the infidelity is no less offensive, no less hurtful, no less destructive this betrayed spouse instead sees a path to redemption and perhaps a way through this tragedy to rebuilding a better and stronger marriage.

ImageI choose to forgive and to accept what happened. I chose to live a life NOT forever marked by it.

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Restrain Me? I think NOT.

15 Nov

opportunity einsteinSo today was a very odd day. It was a day that started out tense and negative.  Yet it ended on a pretty good note!  Life changing actually.  Life changing in a good way.  Good for ME.

So with my post of yesterday I was up late last night worried about going to court on my last appearance to resolve the domestic violence charges against me. Those charges actually were reduced, last year, to a stupid misdemeanor ‘disturbing the peace’ conviction but still being arrested, charged with a felony and faced with the possibility of my whole family and career being destroyed was highly traumatic.  As I try to move past this trauma I was itching to get this episode resolved but yet I was dreading dealing with the less than understanding court.

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The high cost of anger

14 Nov

lady-justice-269x300Friends let this be a lesson to you.

Don’t hit or slap a cheating spouse. 

It might feel good. They might allow it.  They may let you rage and strike them in an effort to convey the pain you feel.  Or they might not.  And you might get arrested.

In my case, Green used it as a tool to get back at me. His anger at being removed from our home by the Sheriff months earlier was now getting me arrested. What sweet pay back he must of felt!

All I know is that the momentary pleasure I took from it was fleeting.

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Happily. Ever? ..After

Rising above all the bullshit after my husbands infidelity

Life. Post. Affair.

Life and marriage after my husband's affair

He Never Said He Loved Her

A great WordPress.com site

Fighterandsurvivor's Blog

Just another WordPress.com site

Tearing at the Fabric

Of the space-time continuum

Will you hold my hand

married sex addict in recovery

try not to cry on my rainbow

Married to a sex addict. Rebuilding a relationship. The recovery journey.

Shattered By My Husband's Affair

Picking Up The Pieces, One Shard at a Time

betrayedin2012's Blog

Ten years is the new Forever

4 little Fergusons

Faith, Family, Food, Photos & Fun

Leadership Freak

Empowering Leaders 300 Words at a Time

Marriage Gems

Research-based marriage tips and insights

Karma's Payment Plan

Life's funny that way

Found This Painted That

Decorating Solutions for the Dollar Challenged


celebrating change

move beyond the affair

Hope for Healing and Happiness

I Love You But I Am Not In Love With You

Trying to Make Sense of the Divorce

Being a Beautiful Mess

Dealing with the mess of life, love, betrayal, divorce, and dating

The Girl Next Door

The cynic who still wants the fairytale? This aint gonna have a happy ending.


Sex, Love & Relationships in Australia


life in all its messy, unedited, brutally honest reality...

If there is any magic in this world...

The world can be amazing when you are slightly … strange!

Quotes from an Emotional Cheater

Remembering it all, one bullsh*t line at a time

Affair Survival Guide

For those thinking about, having, trying to end, or suffering withdrawal from an affair


I still love her, that's enough for me

Comfortably Numb

Two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl

A blogger in turmoil

How do you get over an affair?!


Just another WordPress.com site

Is this really my marriage?

A way to express myself about the ups and downs of trying to heal my marriage after my husband's affair.

Aloneagain3's Blog

Just another WordPress.com site

Rescuing My Marriage

Following my journey after the discovery of my husband's affair, and how we are working together to rebuild our marriage (Scratch that...I am divorced and rescuing myself!)


hiding insight from my children

Living and Loving With All My Might

Navigating My Life with Courage and Joy

screw infidelity

Recovering from Betrayal and Finding New Understanding. Scream... Rant... Cry... Share... HEAL

Saving our marriage

A dual perspective blog

Healing After My Husband's Affair

My husband cheated after three children and over 10 years of marriage. We were happy and I hope we will share that happiness again.

Mixed Tape Masterpiece

an ode to the songs (and radio stations) that shaped my life


A personal journey of trying to get over my husband's affair, move on with life, and someday, forgive.

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The latest news on WordPress.com and the WordPress community.