Tag Archives: Anger Management

Somedays I wish

3 Jul

Somedays, like today, when I get hit by waves of triggers or memories of the lies, humiliations, emotional and mental abuse that Green put me through because of his infidelity I just can’t help but be overcome by it all.  The rage sometimes is just too much.  I know I can’t act on it… that’s against the law!  Sometimes I just wish I could be given one chance… one freebie… one moment to kick him squarely and full of force in his f’g nuts.

woman kicking man in the nuts

What tools do you use to get past the rage? What do you fantasize about?

Redefining DDay. Determined and Driven to Be Healthy.

26 Jun

So on June 23 – this week – was my 3 year anniversary of my DDay #2.  The day I found out that Green was still lying to me (living with him mother) about the fact that he had not ended his affair with his whore Maria.  On Saturday, June 23, 2012 the stupid psycho Maria-the-Whore came to my home at 5 am pounding on the door looking for Green.  (I have as of yet to post the entirety of that drama filled episode because honestly it’s f’g exhausting…) but I have alluded to it here.  I promise I will get around to detailing that episode… it’s just too good not to share.  Cry Mistress Cry!!

Anyway… so this year the day came and I was already dreading it.  It’s also the 90 day mark before my next birthday… when I turn 42.  Really right now things with Green are ok, not great, but ok.  On my good days I can focus less on the past and more on the day to day.  We are in some ways connected as much as we were before the affair.  With a new baby in the house we have more pressing distractions that his stupid affair and my beach drinktriggers around it.  So instead of his affair we talk about things like family outings with the kiddos.  Fixing up our fixer-upper home.  Planning a summer vacation because I deserve to sit my post pregnancy butt in the sand and drink a sweet drink on a beach somewhere!!

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Rainy Wedding Day

22 Nov

Green and I are heading to yet another wedding tonight.

This wedding is a bit weird.  It’s for Green’s pseudo-step-father (the man who raised him) Granpa Rico.  Rico is marrying a woman he dated behind Green’s mother, Rita’s back.  It’s not cheating.   Rita and Rico had not been living together, affectionate or intimate in over 10 years.  They were very active though in co-parenting Greens sister, Maggie, so Rita my (annoying) mother in law took it kind of hard.  I think she thought he would never get over her or find anyone to replace her.  In reality, they treated each other like cranky friends.  It was very awkward.    I’m telling you these families of Green’s are beyond dysfunctional!

I am actually happy Rico is getting married. He was so unhappy with Rita, and while I don’t know Silvia, I do know that everyone needs love – even grumpy Grandpa Rico!  So tonight Green and I will dance, toast and wish them well.

It’s raining today and its seems to me so many people pray that it won’t rain on their wedding day. As if the pictures and outfits staying clean are the most important things.   As I get older I realized that rain is necessary.  Rain is good.   Rain cleans things away right?  Well later on, I would learn from friends that in many cultures rain is considered good luck on wedding days, because

rain-on-wedding-day“For one, it brings moisture to dry areas, which can create life and help plants grow and animals hydrate. Rain and water are essential to life on earth.

Further, rain is often considered a symbol of fertility. Water helps things grow. A couple may hope that one day their marriage will be blessed with children.

Rain is also is symbolic of a new start. The water can cleanse the earth and help wash away past debris. A marriage is a new start for a couple. If it rains on your wedding day, consider yourself blessed with a clean slate.”

Who knew?

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Happily. Ever? ..After

Rising above all the bullshit after my husbands infidelity

Life. Post. Affair.

Life and marriage after my husband's affair

He Never Said He Loved Her

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Fighterandsurvivor's Blog

Just another WordPress.com site

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Karma's Payment Plan

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Found This Painted That

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move beyond the affair

Hope for Healing and Happiness

I Love You But I Am Not In Love With You

Trying to Make Sense of the Divorce

Being a Beautiful Mess

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Sex, Love & Relationships in Australia


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If there is any magic in this world...

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Quotes from an Emotional Cheater

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Affair Survival Guide

For those thinking about, having, trying to end, or suffering withdrawal from an affair


I still love her, that's enough for me

Comfortably Numb

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A blogger in turmoil

How do you get over an affair?!


Just another WordPress.com site

Is this really my marriage?

A way to express myself about the ups and downs of trying to heal my marriage after my husband's affair.

Aloneagain3's Blog

Just another WordPress.com site

Rescuing My Marriage

Following my journey after the discovery of my husband's affair, and how we are working together to rebuild our marriage (Scratch that...I am divorced and rescuing myself!)


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Living and Loving With All My Might

Navigating My Life with Courage and Joy

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Saving our marriage

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Healing After My Husband's Affair

My husband cheated after three children and over 10 years of marriage. We were happy and I hope we will share that happiness again.

Mixed Tape Masterpiece

an ode to the songs (and radio stations) that shaped my life


A personal journey of trying to get over my husband's affair, move on with life, and someday, forgive.

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